Beware the false orange!


About me

I'm a 2nd year grad student at University of Delaware. My research interests are algebraic geometry, number theory, and graph theory. Learning more in algebraic geometry for the sake of building up the theory is exciting, and I can’t wait to reach the frontier. As for number theory, I have always found it amazing just how simple it is to state Diophantine equations, yet how hard it is to solve some of them.
Before Delaware, I was an undergrad at University of Maryland from 2019-2022. Before then, I was in high school, then middle school, then elementary, and finally came to exist in 2001 before later causing the Big Bang. I can never remember which way the arrow of time points.
Outside of math, I participate in many activities on campus, being part of the quizbowl team, table tennis club, Society for Physics Students, outing club, tea club, and many other organizations. I also founded the card games club in November 2022 from scratch and have been drumming up activity since then, with in person meetings every week and 150 people on the mailing list.


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Sign up for my Masterclass on recursion
A great way to pass the time. If you are ever stuck on a plane to Tierra Del Fuego, then this is the game for you. Show it to all your friends at the bar and library.